For the past couple of days I have not been able to keep two songs out of my head. "Don't Stop Believin'" and "Separate Ways" by Journey.
It's horrible... despite all the good music that has been created since the beginning of history, suddenly I'm at a strip mall in the 1980's again. Why?
Perhaps... just perhaps... It's not due to chance. Perhaps the CIA is sending rays into my head from the top of the Empire State Building. They know I'm dangerous, they know if I finish my dissertation on the use of religious language in the construction of royal identity in eleventh- and early twelfth-century Leon and Castile that my work will be the beginning of the end for their grip on power. They fear me, so they have decided to drive me mad.
Yes, mad.
The rays are potent. I'm working on some charters, or making a sandwich, or feeding the cat, and suddenly Steve Perry's voice is in my head, telling me not to stop believing. Then the lame synth riff from "Separate Ways," then "Don't stop believin'" again. I tell you, I can't take it.
It's time to take a break, have an iced coffee, and listen to some Bob Dylan.
With tin foil wrapped around my head.
Liam it seems that you need a vacation.:-).When do you leave or Spain?
Hey! In the 80's Def Leppard was my favorite band, just ahead of Van Halen, Foreigner, and Scorpions.
But, as far as the tin foil goes, I'm with Brian. In fact, the tin foil just might act as a conductor, and then you'd be in real trouble.
Ah, corporate rock of the seventies and eighties.. Journey, Genesis, Kansas, Styx, Toto, Poco, Rush, Reo Speedwagon... Weren't they all the same band? Did anyone ever see tham all in one place at the same time?
I think they were different bands, they just all had the same hair, spandex pants, and guitar riffs.
I think you've already subcumbed to those rays and your post is just another way for the Company to spread the misery ... will any of us who've read this post have the slightest chance of a peaceful non-eighties-ear-worm day? I think not! Nnow I've got Open Arms on the brain ... arghn! :-)
I'm sorry, Crystal, I was able to avoid Open Arms myself...
Paula -- You're right, I do need a vaction. I'm leaving on Monday.
Have a nice trip. And i hope that you will take rest.:-).
Liam, how long will you be gone? Will you be still blogging when you're gone? You know, I've never had a post card from Spain *hint* :-)
I'll be gone until the 20th. I doubt I'll be blogging, since I will be pretty busy, but if I find myself with a few minutes and an internet connection, who knows?
A postcard, sure. Send me your address.
Good luck. You should blog if you can, cuz you should try to catch up with my friend Joe in Madrid. I think you guys would really get along well.
See, this is what you get for calling Joy Division "adolescent." You walk around with "Don't stop believin'" stuck in your head. I walk around with "Love will tear us apart" playing on the ol' brain radio station. There IS a difference.
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